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The Great Spartans Of Ancient Greece

#Sparta - The Great Spartans Of Ancient #Greece #travel #FrizeMedia
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Sparta was one of the most important spots in not only Greece, but the entire Europe as well. During such period, the territory of Sparta would comprise the regions nowadays known as Messenia and Laconia. Only a small portion of that ancient territory continues being called Sparta, an area located towards the northern side of Laconia.

Eurotas River Sparta Greece - Eurotas was a king of Laconia, the son of King Myles and grandson of Lelex - FrizeMedia

Modern Sparta is situated within a fertile plain which allows it to produce citrus and olives as well as a variety of other fruits and vegetables usually distributed throughout many other towns and places in Peloponnese. In antiquity the city-state was known as Lacedaemon, while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. The history of Sparta is very rich and interesting, and provides this destination with a unique charm and appeal.

During Ancient Greece, Sparta was known as the most powerful state with a major naval force in the entire country. During those era, Athens and Sparta became strong allies against the Persian invaders, although they became enemies for a while as well. One interesting fact to know about Sparta is that it used to have two kings.

During the period in which this territory was known as the Doric State of Sparta, it had a mixed governmental state which would allow two hereditary kings to rule at the same time and with equal powers. This peculiarity has been explained through several different theories, although there is not any single one which could be completely confirmed as certain. Sparta was seen and known within Greece as a place of military power.

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This is due to the fact that most Spartans used to be trained and prepared to be soldiers, and they could only change to another profession by specific request and permission. This was applied very strictly, and those who wouldn't want to follow it would have to face harsh penalties. These days, the destination known as Sparta contains many areas which allow tourists to meet the past of this territory face to face and explore many constructions, ruins, and structures which allow visitors to learn about the different aspects of this ancient powerful region. Modern Sparta and its surroundings is a very interesting destination, which all those who enjoy history would find especially appealing.

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